Fuck your champion kindred
Fuck your champion kindred


Thresh: Can hook and flay people out of your ult and makes ganking easy with his Dark Passage. His stun, heals and shields can be a game changer and also great too to gank and get out alive. The combo of the ults is great if timed well. Taric: Has been adressed in this thread already, but I can just state it again that he is really really good with Kindred at any stage of the game. His ult is amazing to clump people up right as your ult ends for swood pentakills and makes it easy to gank in the early. Rakan: Very easy to gank if he hits his knockup. Nami: Boosts your speed and CCs enemies long enough for you to deal damage in lane, aswell as in late. Also a good support to gank with her tornado and Zephyr. A talented Janna will knock all enemies out of your ult for more heals for your team and no heals for your enemies. His stun and ult are great, however his stun a bit wasted if it goes off at the wrong time. (I will just include all damage supports in here too: Lux, Veigar, Vel'koz and Zyra)īraum: Always nice to gank. In later stages of the game he can time his ult to go off shortly before your ult ends for massive AoE damage. That goes with any jungler with Blitz really.īrand: His massive damage and stun can lead to a double kill on botlane.


Very useful stun too!īlitzcrank: If he hits his grab, good, free kill. Bards I have played with are also happy to help you invade for your marks. His Shrines can help you early jungle clear and his ult (if placed well) can fuck up the enemy team if they are in your ult or you are about to gank. Not that great to gank if you are playing soloqueue.īard: A very good support to go with Kindred. Stun and bursts targets so you can deal massive damage to them. His engage can set up an easy kill and his headbutt and knock people out of your ulti.Īnnie: Hard engage and high damage. Oh boy, there are many good supports that go well with Kindred.Īlistar: One of the best supports to go with Kindred ADC and one of the best to gank with.


Lulu I'd almost argue is most beneficial in the early ganks, where the added attack and movement speed makes a huge difference, but in later teamfights, you're already at so much attack speed and damage output, that it's arguably more important for you to stay alive rather than going full lawnmower mode, which Lulu isn't quite as good at controlling for once things get more hectic compared to more classic CCs, with some champs also offering similar shielding abilities. Zyra does a lot of similar things with the added bonus of her ult being a giant 'free kills here'. Otherwise his hook gets opponents back into the fight for you to pursue or getting them away from you to deny a killing blow.īrand is fantastic in turning organized teamfights into a hellscape for the opposing team, making it easier for Kindred to pick off people getting caught out of position trying to evade Brands abilities. Your Ults can synergize well in preventing opponents from entering into your ult, or trapping them within on a disadvantageous teamfight. Just the mobility and shield of his lantern is a huge boon to what is otherwise a very squishy champion.

Fuck your champion kindred